E. Dastarlı Dellaloğlu And F. M. Cin, "Feminist Artivism Deconstructing Contested Spaces of Masculinities," In Routledge Handbook of Arts and Global Development , New York: Routledge, 2024, pp.391-404.
Dastarlı Dellaloğlu, E. And Cin, F. M. Feminist Artivism Deconstructing Contested Spaces of Masculinities. 2024. In Routledge Handbook of Arts and Global Development , Routledge, New York, 391-404.
Dastarlı Dellaloğlu, E., & Cin, F. M., (2024). Feminist Artivism Deconstructing Contested Spaces of Masculinities. Routledge Handbook of Arts and Global Development (pp.391-404), New York: Routledge.
Dastarlı Dellaloğlu, ELİF, And Firdevs Melis Cin. "Feminist Artivism Deconstructing Contested Spaces of Masculinities." In Routledge Handbook of Arts and Global Development , 391-404. New York: Routledge, 2024
Dastarlı Dellaloğlu, ELİF D. And Cin, Firdevs M. . "Feminist Artivism Deconstructing Contested Spaces of Masculinities." Routledge Handbook of Arts and Global Development , Routledge, 2024, pp.391-404.
Dastarlı Dellaloğlu, E. And Cin, F. M. (2024) "Feminist Artivism Deconstructing Contested Spaces of Masculinities", Routledge Handbook of Arts and Global Development . New York: Routledge.
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