Thesis Type: Doctorate
Institution Of The Thesis: Yildiz Technical University, Faculty Of Economic And Administrative Sciences, Department Of Political Science And International Relations, Turkey
Approval Date: 2021
Thesis Language: Turkish
Student: Zehra Gürsoy
Supervisor: Fuat Aksu
Zehra Gürsoy Mahdy
February, 2021
In this study perception of leaders will be analyzed during the crisis between Turkey and Greece. Turkey and Greece had lived 14 crises between each other and from the percpective of disagreement they still have unresolved problems. Inside the 14 crises leaders are changed and according to changed leaders who are examined as analysis unit it is has been searched that during which crisis leaders are associated with each other.
Occasionally after the crisis the sides had been lived together they wanted to rebuild relationships in a friendy way but they couldn’t be successful on this way that situation never contuniued. From conflict to crises, from crises to negotiation, from negotiation to crisis process it will be studied that how leader’s perception are developed from their operational codes. In this study, operational code analysis realized with leaders discources instead of quantiative way. And during the examination of leaders discources in general are practiced upon the period of the newspapers.
When leaders feel the situation of threat, risk and danger perception of leaders to their main priority and values they have to choose from the current options that reveals how they manage the process of crisis. When they make choices the also take attention of national/international public opinion, international system and they also assess the behaviours of the opposite side leader that how he or she will react. In this way, neoclassical realism had been instructive. The possiblity of rival’s escalation of crisis, leader’a actions as deterrent or trigger they decide what to do as a last option as a result of rival’s activities.
The main aim of this study is not being a guide to improve their relationships. This study principally is setting on leaders who have the last political responsibility in their positions that how they acted during the crisis without escalation of war and they protect their national interests at the same time. This study also because of examanition the roles of two leaders it is thought that it be an important contribution to the literature. When leaders change the main foreign polices of leaders are changing? If the is a change in which situation this changing/transformation is possible? In this study these questions will be tried to answer.
Key Words: Crisis management, foreign policy crisis, dispute resolution, Turkey and Greece, operational code, perception.