Publications & Works

Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings

A Paradigm Shift in the Competition Strategies: Coopetition

3rd International Conference on Business, Management, and Economics (ICBME), 01 June 2007

Risk Management in Logistics

4th International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress, 01 December 2006

The New Role and Influences of the Cooperative Models in Strategic Logistics Management

3rd International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress, 01 November 2005

A Comparative Analysis of German, Japanese, and Turkish Perspectives with Respect to Facility Management

35th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, 01 June 2005

Kooperatifçilik Tarihinde Yarışan Düşünce Akımları ve Kooperatifçilik Değerleri

XIV. Milletlerarası Türk Kooperatifçilik Kongresi, 01 November 1993

Die Werte der Genossenschaften im Ideenwettbewerb der Geschichte

XIV. Internationaler Türkischer Genossenschaftskongress, 01 January 1993


UN Sustainable Development Goals