Announcements & Documents

Materials Science - Last Lecture & Final Exam

Here are some important guidelines for the last lecture and upcoming final exam:

Next week we'll finish testing subjects, make a question & answer session (about any subject about this course, exam and related future courses and opportunities), talk about corrosion a little bit and have a walk outside for corrosion examples and materials science related chats. The last assignment will be given next week after the lecture and the response time will be 1 day.

During the final exam, the use of notes, electronic devices etc. will not be allowed!
You can only bring your calculator and an A4-sized sheet of note paper to the exam. You can prepare this sheet yourself before exam and include any information you find helpful. Both sides of this paper can be used.

The exam include all the subjects we have covered till the end of term.

Please join our last lecture for your questions.
We wish you success!

All the best,
Onur Kucukyildirim
on behalf of Advanced Materials Research Group
(https does not work, correct on the web-address line)

Materials Science - Make-up Exam

Attention to those who have the right to take the make-up exam!

This is to inform you that the make-up exam will be held on next Tuesday (Jan. 07, 2025) at 12.00 noon in classroom E202 in E3 Block.

Here are the exam guidelines:
You are allowed to use your books, notebooks, tablets, and computers during the exam (no internet connection will be allowed).
The use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited. Do not forget to bring your calculators.
All topics up to this week are included.

Wish you success!

Office Hours

Days and/or hours might change during the term, please check on before your visit.
Office hours are invalid during exam weeks and out of term.

Yıldız Campus Office Hours:  
Monday: 4.00pm - 5.00 pm
The other day will be determined after the semester starts.
Yıldız Campus: E3 Block, 1st Floor, Room: E3-12 

Multidisciplinary Design Project and Graduation Thesis Courses

MFK4991 - Multidisciplinary Design Project - Gr.53 and
MAK9000 - Graduation Thesis - Gr.53
on 2024-25 Fall term will be carried out under my supervision. 

You should reach me via e-mail or during my office hours listed in my avesis web page before October 8, 2024.

Office: Yildiz Campus, E3 Block, E3-12 (upstairs)

Before meeting, please check out my area of expertise and study subjects from avesis web page ( ) and Advanced Materials Research Group web site ( ) in order to specify a subject benefical for you.

I wish you all the best,

Onur Küçükyıldırım

Course announcements and sharings

Announcements, file sharings, assignments etc. of my courses are done via Google Classroom. Everyone recorded to my course groups must check their messages via OBS daily and before class for efficient communication and sharing.

Thanks for your concern,