ASSETS: ASSEssing the cultural heritage of European coastal and maritime Regions To enhance Sustainable use

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Akçabozan Taşkıran A.

Diğer Uluslararası Fon Programları, 2017 - 2018

  • Proje Türü: Diğer Uluslararası Fon Programları
  • Başlama Tarihi: Eylül 2017
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Eylül 2018

Proje Özeti

Europe’s rich coastal and maritime cultural heritage is an essential aspect of individual and community identity. This heritage also contributes substantially to local and regional economies. Whilst European coastal and maritime cultural landscapes have always evolved, they now face unprecedented rates of change. Declining fisheries and expanding mass tourism are altering the composition of many coastal communities, eroding the cultural heritage which characterizes these communities and threatening the long term viability of their economies and livelihoods5. Climate change is compounding these challenges, accelerating natural phenomenon such as erosion, flooding and salinity intrusion, and, in conjunction with overfishing, is contributing to undesirable changes in the composition of marine and coastal ecosystems6. Understanding these threats is essential to informing policies to build resilience and the sustainable development of coastal communities.  Methods appraising values and threats/ risks are well developed (UNESCO 2010), however they lack integration between quantitative/qualitative, tangible/intangible, and social/ecological/economic aspects of cultural heritage.  Cultural landscape management methods also exists, but their utility to effect change is impeded by insufficient stakeholder integration, leading to inappropriate and unsupported strategies.   ASSETS will revolutionise the current mechanisms for the sustainable use of European coastal and maritime cultural heritage by flipping the decision making processes to start with stakeholders.  ASSETS explicitly recognises stakeholders as both value givers and agents of change. Only by activating stakeholders to make change can management improvements be achieved.  ASSETS combines a multidisciplinary group of researchers with a large group of coastal and maritime stakeholders, including local communities, industry and commerce, decision makers, managers, and NGO’s. Together we will create a novel, integrated toolkit to better value our intangible and tangible cultural heritage in ways that capture the disparate perspectives of our coastal communities. This will allow us to deliver our objective, working with stakeholder to build the framework necessary to preserve and maximise the sustainable use of coastal and maritime cultural heritage ASSETS.