Teachers' Action for Health

Üvet H. (Yürütücü), Uğraş T.

Erasmus Projesi, 2022 - 2024

  • Proje Türü: Erasmus Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Aralık 2022
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Aralık 2024

Proje Özeti

The project aims to ensure the sustainability of teacher development with digital educational materials, with a particular focus on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of preschool and primary school teachers on first aid interventions/practices and chronic illnesses, through 8 modules prepared based on the needs determined by needs analysis. Chronic diseases are defined as long-term diseases with no definite treatment, developing due to many reasons, with a waiting period for the manifestation of signs and symptoms of the disease. Chronic diseases require regular medical attention and limit the activities of a person's daily life. First aid is defined as the action given to the victim in case of emergency. Since the transfer of healthcare professionals to the scene can often take some time, these practices must be initiated by people present at the scene and witnessing the situation. For this reason, within the scope of the diversity of emergencies that require intervention, it is vital for teachers to gain awareness and knowledge of the importance of such practices and be able to take action when necessary, thus taking the leading role of first aid actions.

The project aims to increase the active participation of teachers in the collective planning and decision-making processes of health actions in a holistic perspective of first aid education and chronic illnesses. In the context of the school environment, a risk factor that can cause any physical or psychological injury to the student, regardless of its length and severity, is defined as an accident and requires first aid.

Children up to the age of 14 represent approximately 25% of the world's population; Injuries are the leading cause of death at this age, with one-fifth of these occurring in the school setting. In the United States, injuries are the leading cause of child mortality, 40% of which occur in school playgrounds and schools. It has been determined that injuries related to school activities primarily occur in the school environment and require more frequent hospital care than injuries in the home environment. Moreover, about 6% of more severe injuries requiring medical attention occur during formal lessons at school or in the schoolyard. Accidents cause the death of approximately 900,000 children and approximately 2600 children every day in the world (Hyder et al., 2009). 95% of deaths are due to unintentional injuries. Moreover, the healtcare needs of children with chronic illnesses may require daily managament and addressing potential emergencies by the teachers. A full assessment of the costs of chronic disease should include the impact on education; current evidence shows that it affects educational performance. Children with a chronic condition have 30%–40% increased risk of performing below the basic academic requirements compared with children without chronic conditions. Children with chronic conditions need integrated health and educational interventions to improve