Analysis and Design of Fast Charging System with Flywheel Energy Storage Platform

Elma O., Gabbar H. A.(Yürütücü)

Diğer Ülkelerdeki Kamu Kurumları Tarafından Desteklenmiş Proje, 2020 - 2020

  • Proje Türü: Diğer Ülkelerdeki Kamu Kurumları Tarafından Desteklenmiş Proje
  • Başlama Tarihi: Ocak 2020
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Ağustos 2020

Proje Özeti

This project is aiming at the design and analysis of high-performance fast-charging system (FCS) to decrease charging time and reduce the high demand effect in the power grid which has Flywheel and with/without battery energy storage structure. The flywheel energy storage platform (FESP) will be designed and integrated with FCS. Besides, the target fast-charging system will support transportation electrification infrastructures, reduced operational costs, and CO2 emissions. The analysis of the FCS system will provide resilient features to ensure minimum operation interruptions. Also, the project will help to increase fast-charging infrastructures for electric vehicles in Canada. The design of the system can use flywheel technology to reduce the adverse effects of the high demand in the power grid. Also, static, and probabilistic energy models for the FCS, energy storage, and associated transportation infrastructures will be developed to represent energy demand and forecasting models. Intelligent control algorithms will be developed with control system architecture for the hybrid energy storage (flywheel-battery) and fast charging systems. The energy management of the system aims to optimize power-flow and minimize the sizing and protect battery life both (the vehicles and the storage) sides. The proposed FCS has high power charging technology with energy storage platforms and infrastructures.