Advising Theses

Investigation of the Recovery of Cobalt-Containing Compounds from Used Li-ion Batteries and Their Use as Electrode Materials in Supercapacitors

Gençten M., Birol B. (Co-Advisor)
Doctorate - 2024

Recycling of ZnS from Wastes and its Utilization as an Electrode Material in Supercapacitors

Birol B., Gençten M. (Co-Advisor)
Postgraduate - 2023

Floresan Cam Atıklardan Nadir Toprak Metallerinin Geri Kazanımı

Doctorate - Continues

Ferrokrom Baca Tozlarının Ağır Metal Adsorpsiyon Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi

Birol B. (Advisor)
Postgraduate - 2023 Sustainable Development

6063 Serisi Alüminyum Alaşımında Alaşım Ve Flaks Kombinasyonuna Bağlı Cüruf İçeriğinin Yapısal Ve Elementel Analizi

Birol B. (Advisor)
Postgraduate - 2022

Nadir Toprak Elementleri İçeren Çözeltilerin Solvent Ekstraksiyon İşleminin İncelenmesi

Birol B. (Advisor)
Postgraduate - 2023

Use of carbonized biowaste instead of fossil fuels used as a reducer for CO2 Emission Reduction in High Carbon Fe-Cr Production

Doctorate - Continues