FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT THE BITCOIN WEBSITE CRYPTOGRAPHY: The study of secret writing and codes CYPHER: (or cipher) a system of secret writing cypherpunks: punk: a young man or boy who fights and breaks the law. cipher(verb): to put a message into code (decipher: to find the meaning of something that is difficult to read or understand I can't decipher his handwriting. It's indecipherable. EXPONENTIALLY: (technical) using a sign that shows how many times a number is to be multiplied by itself yN is an exponential expression:y to the nth power line 15) ANONYMITY: the state of not letting your name be known ANONYMOUS: unknown by name TO COMPLY(v): obey CONSENSUS: agreement WALLET: small bag in which you store money (digital wallet.) LEDGER: account book TRANSACTION: deal, business, buying and selling something AUTHENTICITY: the quality of being genuine, authentic line 40) PROCESS: series of actions or steps. line 41: COMPUTING: the use of operation of computers BRICK AND MORTAR BUSINESS: refers to a physical presence of an organization or business in a building or other structure, a company that possesses or leases retail shops, factory production, etc. MORTAR: a mixture of lime, sand and water, used in building for joining bricks or stones together. COMPUTING: the use of operation of computers line 61) MERCHANT ACCOUNT:a bank account used for business purposes line 72) CONFIRMATION: confirming, verifying, justifying sth line 81) CHARGEBACK: a demand by a credit card provider for a retailer to make good the loss on a fraudulent transaction or deception line 81) FRAUD: wrongful or criminal COMPLIANCE: obeying a wish IDENTITY THEFT: stealing your identity information BACKUP: help or support ENCRYPTION: the process of converting information or data into a code to prevent unauthorized access line 126) NODE: a point in network at which lines intersect COMPLY WITH: agree with, fit, is suitable to SCARCITY (noun): being rare to find line 38) ATTRIBUTES: qualities VOLATILE: changing LITTERED: full of RULE OF THUMB: principle based on practise INCEPTION: starting to be used BITCOIN: a network that uses a new payment system and a completely digital money DECENTRALIZED: it has no central authority