The impact of learner autonomy on the success of listening comprehension

Tezin Türü: Yüksek Lisans

Tezin Yürütüldüğü Kurum: Trakya Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Türkiye

Tezin Onay Tarihi: 2008

Tezin Dili: İngilizce


Danışman: Hatice Gülru Yüksel


In the area of Teaching English as a Foreign Language there have been many changes during the years. These changes always directly affected both the specialists who are the applicants of teaching process and also the foreign language learners. Over the last two decades, the concept of learner autonomy and independence has gained a very important place and it is sometimes named as ?The ABC?s of learner empowerment? (Sharader, 2003: 1). In fact the source of learner autonomy and independence concepts is the Communicative Language Teaching approach which became very popular and widely preferred language teaching approach after the mid-1960?s.The impact of autonomous learning on the success of listening comprehension in foreign language learning classes is the main aim of this study. The research may contribute to the listening courses and the teachers on how listening skill can be improved by the help of the autonomous learning with a strategy based teaching in listening comprehension classes.The results of this study are of importance to second/ foreign language teachers specifically who are enrolling listening classes. Considering the difficulties that most of the teachers face when teaching foreign languages the findings that are shown in this study may give them some ideas in teaching listening in order to help their students to achieve success. It must be admitted that the mostly ignored language skills in teaching foreign languages are listening, speaking and writing. Most of the language teachers prefer not to focus on these skills, because developing them needs a real struggle and time. Since, it consumes time and needs a special effort, mainly the skill of listening become a neglected skill in language classes of primary, secondary and high schools. But, with the help of the autonomous learning applications and the strategies as it is applied in our study the teachers can help their students to improve their success in listening. Also such applications can be applied to the other skills to achieve success.