Duyurular & Dokümanlar

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 / Exercises (9,10,11,12-Integration Techniques) V2
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MAT1071 Mathematics 1 / Exercises (9,10,11,12-Integration Techniques)

V2: 2 questions added to 10, slight corrections made to 9 and 11 for one question in each.

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 / Exercises (8-Definite Integral) V2
Ders Notu

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 / Exercises (8-Definite Integral)

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 / Exercises (13-Area and Volume)
Ders Notu

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 / Exercises (13-Area and Volume)

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (16.12.2024)
Ders Notu

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (16.12.2024)

MAT1320 Lineer Cebir - Test 1
Ders Notu
MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (09.12.2024)
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MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (09.12.2024)

MAT1320 Lineer Cebir / 2.Vize

MAT1320 Lineer Cebir dersinin ikinci vizesi 26 Aralık 2024 Perşembe günü saat 18:30-20:00 arasında yapılacaktır. Sınavda sorumlu olduğunuz konular aşağıda verilmiştir (Germe kavramına kadar, Germe kavramı hariç).

HaftaKonularÖn Hazırlık
1Matrisler: Matris tanımı, matris çeşitleri(satır matris, sütun matris, sıfır matris, kare matris, köşegen matris, skaler matris, birim matris),bir kare matrisin izi, matrislerin eşitliği, matrislerin toplamı ve farkı, bir skalerle bir matrisin çarpımı, matrislerin toplamı ve skalerle çarpımı ile ilgili özellikler, matrislerin çarpımı ve bunlara ait özellikler, matrisin transpozesi ve özellikleri.Ders Kitabı (Bölüm 1)
2Bazı Özel Matrisler (Simetrik Matris, Anti Simetrik Matris, Periyodik Matris, İdempotent Matris, Nilpotent Matris, İnvalut Matris, Ortogonal Matris), bir matrisin eşleneği ve özellikleri, Hermitian Matris, Ters Hermitian Matris, Regüler Matris, Singüler Matris ve matris uygulamaları.Ders Kitabı (Bölüm 1)
3Matrislerde elemanter satır ve sütün işlemleri, denk matrisler, bir matrisin satırca indirgenmiş (eşelon) formu, matrisin rangı, bir kare matrisin tersi ve konu ile ilgili uygulamalar.Ders Kitabı (Bölüm 1)
4Determinantlar: Bir kare matrisin determinantı, Laplace açılımı, determinant özellikleriDers Kitabı (Bölüm 2)
5Sarrus kuralı, Ek matris, bir matrisin tersinin ek matris yardımı ile hesaplanması, konuyla ilgili uygulamalar.Ders Kitabı (Bölüm 2)
6Lineer Denklem Sistemleri: Lineer denklem sistemlerinin denk matrisler yardımı ile çözümü, Lineer homojen denklem sistemleri, konuyla ilgili uygulama.Ders Kitabı (Bölüm 3)
7Cramer yöntemi, Katsayılar matrisinin inversi yardımı ile çözüm, konuyla ilgili uygulama.Ders Kitabı (Bölüm 3)
8Ara Sınav 1
9Vektörler: Vektör tanımı,vektörlerin toplamı,farkı, vektörlerin analitik ifadesi, vektörlerin skaler çarpımı, skaler çarpıma ait özellik, Vektörel çarpım ve özellikleri, Karışık çarpım ve özellikleri, İki kat vektörel çarpım ve özellikleri, konuyla ilgili uygulamaDers Kitabı (Bölüm 4)
10Vektör Uzayları: Vektör Uzayları tanımı ve ilgili teoremler. Alt Vektör Uzayı. Konu ile ilgili uygulamalarDers Kitabı (Bölüm 5)

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (02.12.2024)
Ders Notu

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (02.12.2024)

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 / Second Midterm

The second midterm of MAT1071 Mathematics 1 course will be held on December 20, 2024 Friday at 18:30-20:00. The subjects you are responsible for in the exam are given below (until improper integral, improper integral is excluded).

WeekSubjectsRelated Preparation
1Functions: Domain and Range of a Function, Functions and Graphics, Some Elemanter Functions (Polinomials, Rational Functions, Algebraic Functions), Some Concepts Related to Functions (Even-Odd Functions, Bounded Function, Increasing-Decreasing Functions, Implicit Function), Combinations of Functions ((Sum, Difference, Product and Quotient), Composition of Functions, Piecewise Functions. Transandantal Functions: Trigonometric Functions,Textbook 1 (Chapter 1)
2Inverse of a Function, Inverse Trigonometric Functions, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Hyperbolic-Inverse Hyperbolic Functions. Limits: Limit of a Function, One-sided Limits, Theorems on Limits (Limit Rules), Squeezing (Pinching) Theorem,Textbook 1 (Chapter 7,2)
3Infinite Symbols and Limit. Continuity: Continuity at a Point, Continuity over a Set, Types of Discontinuity, Intermediate Value and Extreme Value Theorems. Derivative: Derivative at a Point, Derivative as a Function, One-sided Derivatives, Derivative over an Interval,Textbook 1 (Chapter 2,3)
4Differentiability and Continuity, Differentiation Rules, Higher Order Derivatives, Chain Rule, Implicit Differentiation, Derivatives of Transcendent Functions, Tangent and Normal Lines, Linearization and Differentials.Textbook 1 (Chapter 3,7)
5Applications of the Derivative: Rolle and Mean Value Theorems, Increasing-Decreasing Functions, Extremum Values of Functions: First and Second Derivative Tests, Indeterminate Forms, Concavity and Points of Inflection, Asymptotes, Simple Curve Drawings.Textbook 1 (Chapter 4)
6Definite Integral: Antiderivatives, Sigma Notation and Limits of Finite Sums, Riemann Sums, Definite Integral, Properties of the Definite Integral, Area of a Region Bounded by a Curve, Mean Value Theorem for Definite Integrals,,Textbook 1 (Chapter 5)
7Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Part 1, Part 2), Indefinite Integral: Integration Tables, Change of Variables in Indefinite-Finite Integrals [Calculus of some trigonometric integrals]. Integration Techniques: Integration by Parts,Textbook 1 (Chapter 5,8)
8Midterm 1
9Trigonometric Substitution, Integrals of Rational Functions (Partial Fractions). Applications of the definite integral: Areas of Plane Regions (Two or more curves).Textbook 1 (Chapter 6)
10Volumes of Solids of Revolution: Disk and Washer Techniques, Cylindrical Shell Technique, Arc Length, Areas of Revolution Surfaces.Textbook 1 (Chapter 6)

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 / Exercises (6-Indeterminate Forms and L'Hopital's Rule) v2
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MAT1071 Mathematics 1 / Exercises (6-Indeterminate Forms and L'Hopital's Rule)

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 - Test example 4
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MAT1071 Mathematics 1 - Test example 4

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (27.11.2024)
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MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (27.11.2024)

MAT1320 Lineer Cebir (27.11.2024)
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MAT1320 Lineer Cebir (27.11.2024)

MAT1320 Lineer Cebir (26.11.2024)
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MAT1320 Lineer Cebir (26.11.2024)

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (26.11.2024)
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MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (26.11.2024)

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (25.11.2024)
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MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (25.11.2024)

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 / Exercises (7-Extrema and Concavity)
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MAT1071 Mathematics 1 / Exercises (7-Extrema and Concavity)

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 - Test example 3
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MAT1071 Mathematics 1 - Test example 3

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 - Test example 2
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MAT1071 Mathematics 1 - Test example 2

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 - Test example 1
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MAT1071 Mathematics 1 - Test example 1

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (11.11.2024)
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MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (11.11.2024)

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 / Exercises (5-Linearization and Differentials)
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MAT1071 Mathematics 1 / Exercises (5-Linearization and Differentials)

MAT1320 Lineer Cebir / 1.Vize

MAT1320 Lineer Cebir dersinin ilk vizesi 22 Kasım 2024 Cuma günü saat 16:00-18:00 arasında yapılacaktır. Sınavda sorumlu olduğunuz konular aşağıda verilmiştir (Cramer yöntemine kadar, Cramer yöntemi hariç).

1Matrisler: Matris tanımı, matris çeşitleri(satır matris, sütun matris, sıfır matris, kare matris, köşegen matris, skaler matris, birim matris),bir kare matrisin izi, matrislerin eşitliği, matrislerin toplamı ve farkı, bir skalerle bir matrisin çarpımı, matrislerin toplamı ve skalerle çarpımı ile ilgili özellikler, matrislerin çarpımı ve bunlara ait özellikler, matrisin transpozesi ve özellikleri.Ders Kitabı (Bölüm 1)
2Bazı Özel Matrisler (Simetrik Matris, Anti Simetrik Matris, Periyodik Matris, İdempotent Matris, Nilpotent Matris, İnvalut Matris, Ortogonal Matris), bir matrisin eşleneği ve özellikleri, Hermitian Matris, Ters Hermitian Matris, Regüler Matris, Singüler Matris ve matris uygulamaları.Ders Kitabı (Bölüm 1)
3Matrislerde elemanter satır ve sütün işlemleri, denk matrisler, bir matrisin satırca indirgenmiş (eşelon) formu, matrisin rangı, bir kare matrisin tersi ve konu ile ilgili uygulamalar.Ders Kitabı (Bölüm 1)
4Determinantlar: Bir kare matrisin determinantı, Laplace açılımı, determinant özellikleriDers Kitabı (Bölüm 2)
5Sarrus kuralı, Ek matris, bir matrisin tersinin ek matris yardımı ile hesaplanması, konuyla ilgili uygulamalar.Ders Kitabı (Bölüm 2)
6Lineer Denklem Sistemleri: Lineer denklem sistemlerinin denk matrisler yardımı ile çözümü, Lineer homojen denklem sistemleri, konuyla ilgili uygulama.Ders Kitabı (Bölüm 3)

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 / Exercises (4-Derivative)
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MAT1071 Mathematics 1 / Exercises (4-Derivative)

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (04.11.2024)
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MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (04.11.2024)

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 / Exercises (3-Continuity)
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MAT1071 Mathematics 1 / Exercises (3-Continuity)

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (30.10.2024)
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MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (30.10.2024)

MAT1320 Lineer Cebir (30.10.2024)
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MAT1320 Lineer Cebir (30.10.2024)

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 / Exercises (2-Limit (Basic))
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MAT1071 Mathematics 1 / Exercises (2-Limit (Basic))

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (28.10.2024)
Ders Notu

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (28.10.2024)

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 / First Midterm

The first midterm of MAT1071 Mathematics 1 course will be held on November 16, 2024 Saturday at 10:00-12:00. The subjects you are responsible for in the exam are given below (until integral, integral is excluded).

WeekSubjectsRelated Preparation
1Functions: Domain and Range of a Function, Functions and Graphics, Some Elemanter Functions (Polinomials, Rational Functions, Algebraic Functions), Some Concepts Related to Functions (Even-Odd Functions, Bounded Function, Increasing-Decreasing Functions, Implicit Function), Combinations of Functions ((Sum, Difference, Product and Quotient), Composition of Functions, Piecewise Functions. Transandantal Functions: Trigonometric Functions,Textbook 1 (Chapter 1)
2Inverse of a Function, Inverse Trigonometric Functions, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Hyperbolic-Inverse Hyperbolic Functions. Limits: Limit of a Function, One-sided Limits, Theorems on Limits (Limit Rules), Squeezing (Pinching) Theorem,Textbook 1 (Chapter 7,2)
3Infinite Symbols and Limit. Continuity: Continuity at a Point, Continuity over a Set, Types of Discontinuity, Intermediate Value and Extreme Value Theorems. Derivative: Derivative at a Point, Derivative as a Function, One-sided Derivatives, Derivative over an Interval,Textbook 1 (Chapter 2,3)
4Differentiability and Continuity, Differentiation Rules, Higher Order Derivatives, Chain Rule, Implicit Differentiation, Derivatives of Transcendent Functions, Tangent and Normal Lines, Linearization and Differentials.Textbook 1 (Chapter 3,7)
5Applications of the Derivative: Rolle and Mean Value Theorems, Increasing-Decreasing Functions, Extremum Values of Functions: First and Second Derivative Tests, Indeterminate Forms, Concavity and Points of Inflection, Asymptotes, Simple Curve Drawings.Textbook 1 (Chapter 4)

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 / Make-up Lesson

Due to the October 29 holiday, the course will be made up on October 30, Wednesday at 11:00-13:00. You can enter the make-up lesson from your event calendar at online.yildiz.edu.tr. Those who cannot attend the lesson in this time frame can listen to the recording.

MAT1320 Lineer Cebir / Telafi Dersi

29 Ekim tatilinden dolayı yapılamayacak olan dersin telafisi 30 Ekim Çarşamba günü saat 09:00-11:00 de yapılacaktır. Telafi dersine girişi online.yildiz.edu.tr adresindeki etkinlik takviminizden yapabilirsiniz. Derse bu zaman diliminde katılamayanlar kayıttan dinleyebilirler.

MAT1320 Lineer Cebir (Ödev Çözümü-Rank Sorusu)
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MAT1320 Lineer Cebir (Ödev Çözümü-Rank Sorusu)

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 / Exercises (1-Domain)
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MAT1071 Mathematics 1 / Exercises (1-Domain)

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (21.10.2024)
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MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (21.10.2024)

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (Exercises-3rd week)
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Unsolved exercises on 3rd week for continuity.

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (14.10.2024)
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MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (14.10.2024)

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (07.10.2024)
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MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (07.10.2024)

MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (30.09.2024)
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MAT1071 Mathematics 1 (30.09.2024)