- If anyone wants to object to the exam result, they can come to room A189 tomorrow, look at their paper and object to their result.(Between 12:00-16:00)
- Sınav sonucuna itiraz etmek isteyenler yarın A189 numaralı odaya gelerek kağıdına bakabilir ve sonucuna itiraz edebilir. (12:00-16:00 saatleri arasında)
Experiment 11 will be on 06.01.2025 at 13:00.
Please supply the required meterials before the lab.
Dear all,
Next week 30.12.24 there will be no class, except make-up experiments. Those with a valid excuse can participate in the make-up experiment. Please send me an e-mail if you want to attend the make-up experiment.
See you!
Dear all,
You can find the documents about Experiment 10 here. First of all please read the ReadME.txt file in the link.
There is no pre-report for this lab however you should be prepared for the lab by reading the presentations and watching the video.
Experiment date: 23.12.2024.
See you!
Dear all,
We will not have lab on 16.12.2024. Next experiment will be held on 23.12.2024 and it will be about PLC and sensors.
See you!
For this week, students who want to work on the previous labs can start at 12:30 instead of 13:00.
You can find the two experiments material list. 10th experiment material list will be announced later.
Dear all, the material list is not ready yet. Please supply the 7th experiment material components before the lab hour. Except from these materials you can buy at least two 7473 (JK flip-flop) integrated circuits (IC).
It is strongly recommended that you have at least one spare of your IC components. They can brake down easily.
Experiment 7 will be on 25.11.2024. Those who want to complete Experiment 6 can also bring their material and continue.
Please bring a spare of integrated circuit components, they can brake down easily.
Due dates;
Questions and simulation of the first part: 04.11.2024 13:00.
Simulation of the second part: 11.11.2024 13:00.
Dear All,
The first part of the experiment will be on 04.11.2024.
The second part of the experiment will be on 11.11.2024.
For both dates the lab will be available between 12:30-16.00. Please be prepared for the lab.
Due date: 04.11.2024 13:00.
Minor updates have been made in order to clerify the last question.
The experiment will be on 04.11.2024.
Please consider only the updated version of the experiment for the upcoming lab.
There will be no class on 28.10.2024.
Dear students,
If you have any problem with the simulation, please feel free to contact me.
Due date: 21.10.2024, 13.00.
It is suggested that the groups bring their own breadboard.
Please read the experiment sheet and be prepared for the lab. Each group should bring a hard copy of the document.
Lütfen e-postanızı gönderirken posta konusuna ve doküman ismine özgü kurala dikkat edelim.
Pazartesi 13.00'a kadar ckoc@yildiz.edu.tr adresine ön-raporlarınızı bekliyorum.