Publications & Works

Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI

Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings

Feature Engineering to Detect People Behind Walls Using UWB Sensor

32nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2024, Mersin, Turkey, 15 - 18 May 2024 identifier

Video colorizing with automatic reference image selection Otomatik referans resim seçimi ile video renklendirme

29th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2021, Virtual, Istanbul, Turkey, 9 - 11 June 2021 Sustainable Development identifier identifier

Tympanic membrane generation with generative adversarial networks Çekişmeli üretici aǧlar ile yapay kulak zari görüntülerinin üretimi

29th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, SIU 2021, Virtual, Istanbul, Turkey, 9 - 11 June 2021 identifier identifier

Road Damage Detection via in Car Cameras Arac Ici Kameralarla Yol Hasar Denetimi

28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2020, Gaziantep, Turkey, 5 - 07 October 2020 identifier

Contactless Fall Detection using Doppler Radar Doppler Radar ile Temazsiz Dusme Algilama

28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2020, Gaziantep, Turkey, 5 - 07 October 2020 identifier

Classification of tumor regions in histopathological images using convolutional neural networks

26th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Izmir, Turkey, Turkey, 2 - 05 May 2018, pp.1-4 identifier

Application Identification via Network Traffic Classification

International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), California, United States Of America, 26 - 29 January 2017, pp.843-848 Sustainable Development identifier identifier

Detection of the Periodicity of Human Actions for Efficient Video Summarization

18th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (IEEE ISM), San-Jose, Costa Rica, 11 - 13 December 2016, pp.391-394 identifier identifier

Machine learning based IP traffic classification,

Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2013 21st, Lefkoşe, Cyprus (Kktc), 24 April 2013, pp.1-4


23rd IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), Southampton, United Kingdom, 22 - 25 September 2013 identifier identifier

A Fast and Accurate Motion Detection Algorithm for Embedded Systems

21st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), CYPRUS, 24 - 26 April 2013 identifier identifier

Video Summarization using Simple Action Patterns

21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Tsukuba, Japan, 11 November 2012, vol.1, no.1, pp.2047-2050

Traffic accident risk analysis based on relation of Common Route Models

21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Tsukuba, Japan, 11 November 2012, pp.1-6 Sustainable Development

Assessment of Videolaryngostroboscopy Images Based on Visible Vessels Of Vocal Folds

34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society (EMBS), California, United States Of America, 28 August - 01 September 2012, pp.6251-6254 identifier identifier identifier

Image Processing Capabilities of ARM-based Micro-controllers for Visual Sensor Networks

Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC), 2011 IFIP 9th International Conference on, Melbourne, Australia, 24 November 2011, pp.243-248

Severity Classification of Abnormal Traffic Events at Intersections

IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2011, Brüksel, Belgium, 11 September 2011, pp.2457-2460

Real time lane detection and tracking system evaluated in a hardware-in-the-loop simulator

13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITSC 2010, Funchal, Portugal, 19 - 22 September 2010, pp.1336-1343 identifier

Vision system based lane keeping assistance evaluated in a hardware-in-the-loop simulator

ASME 2010 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA2010, İstanbul, Turkey, 12 - 14 July 2010, vol.3, pp.103-114 identifier

Vision based lane keeping assistance control triggered by a driver inattention monitor

2010 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, SMC 2010, İstanbul, Turkey, 10 - 13 October 2010, pp.289-297 identifier

Stock Price Prediction Using Financial News Articles

2nd IEEE International Conference on Information and Financial Engineering, Hong Kong, China, 17 September 2010, pp.478-482


IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Hong Kong, PEOPLES R CHINA, 26 - 29 September 2010, pp.4693-4696 Sustainable Development identifier identifier

Linear discriminant analysis in Ottoman alphabet character recognition

European Computing Conference, Athens, Greece, 25 - 27 September 2007, pp.601-607 identifier

An Evaluation of Possession Information in Playfield Zones from soccer Video Using Mid-level Descriptors

IEEE 10th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Queensland, Australia, 08 October 2008, pp.680-684

Reconstruction of Dysphonic Speech by MELP

13th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition: Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications - 2008, Havana, Cuba, 09 September 2008, pp.767-774

Off-Line Signature Verification and Recognition by Support Vector Machine

The 13th European Signal Processing Conference -2005, Antalya, Turkey, 04 September 2008, pp.113-116

Global Feature Based Female facial Beauty Decision System

The 15th European Signal Processing Conference - 2007, Poznan, Poland, 03 September 2007, pp.1945-1949

Text area detection in digital documents images using textural features

12th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, CAIP 2007, Vienna, Austria, 27 - 29 August 2007, pp.555-562 identifier

The effect of windowing in word sense disambiguation

20th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, ISCIS 2005, İstanbul, Turkey, 26 - 28 October 2005, pp.626-635 identifier

Efficient off-line verification and identification of signatures by multiclass support vector machines

11th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, CAIP 2005, Versailles, France, 5 - 08 September 2005, pp.799-805 identifier

A Genetic Thinning Algorithm Using Cellular Automata

15th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, İstanbul, Turkey, 10 October 2000, pp.141-149

Recognition of Human Face Expression

International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, İstanbul, Turkey, 11 October 2000, vol.1, pp.1-4




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