Duyurular & Dokümanlar

KOM6110 ANN Machine Learning - Projects - List of the Presenters

It will be around 15 to 20 minute-presentation for each student.

try to be  online ~20 minutes before the presentations

You already have your link for the meeting in one of the latest announcements.


Ferhat Y.: DiffusionDet: Diffusion Model for Object Detection | 13.00 - 13.20

Abdullah C.: Zero-shot spatial layout conditioning for text-to-image diffusion models 13.20 - 13.40

Mustafa U.: R3D3 Dense 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes from Multiple Cameras 13.40 - 14.00

Orhan K: What do neural networks learn in image classification? A frequency shortcut perspective 14.00 - 14.20

Melike Nur Y.: Unmasking Anomalies in Road Scene Segmentation 14.20 - 14.40

Abdullah Ç.: Beyond Skin Tone: A Multidimensional Measure of Apparent Skin Color 14.40 - 15.00

Mehmet A.: Learning Human Dynamics in Autonomous Driving 15.00 - 15.20

Ahmad A.: Moment Detection in Long Tutorial Videos 15.20 15.40

Hayrettin E.: WaterMask Instance Segmentation for Underwater Imagery 15.40 - 16.00

Muhammed Tayyip K.: 3D Segmentation of Humans in Point Clouds with Synthetic Data 16.00 - 16.20

KOM6110 ANN Machine Learning Final Exam - June 3 2024 :10.40 - 11.50

The final exam for KOM6110 ANN Machine Learning will be held

    on June 3 2024 Monday between 10.40 - 11.50.

KOM6110 ANNMachineLearning Project Representation - 5.June.2024 - 13.00 Online

KOM6110 ANN_Machine_Learning Project Representation - Information
KOM6110 Presentations - Announcemen....txt Creative Commons License

KOM6110 ANN Machine Learning - Project Papers

KOM6110 ANNMachineLearning Project Papers

Please refer to the link in the attached txt file for the project papers.

  • Each student should pick a paper, study it, and present the background, implementation, and theory of the paper.
  • Send me an e-mail (mercimek@yildiz.edu.tr), put a title like: "KOM6110 Project Paper - Your Name" and let me know the paper you may study. (The due date for sending the e-mail is 17/05/2024 midnight.
  • If I approve the paper you selected, you can start studying it.


ICCV 2023 for KOM6100 spr 2024.txt Creative Commons License

KOM6110 ANNMachineLearning Week 11 Information Theoretic L
Ders Notu

KOM6110 ANN_Machine_Learning Week 11 Information Theoretic L

KOM6110 ANN_Machine_Learning Week 1....pdf Creative Commons License

KOM6110 ANNMachineLearning Week 10 Linear Disc-SVM
Ders Notu

KOM6110 ANN_Machine_Learning Week 10 Linear Disc-SVM

KOM6110 ANN_Machine_Learning Week 1....pdf Creative Commons License

KOM6110 ANNMachineLearning Assg 2 Spring 2024

KOM6110 ANN_Machine_Learning Assg 2 Spring 2024

KOM6110 ANN_Machine_Learning Assg 2....zip Creative Commons License

KOM6110 ANNMachineLearning Assg 3 Spring 2024

KOM6110 ANN_Machine_Learning Assg 3 Spring 2024

KOM6110 ANN_Machine_Learning Assg 3....zip Creative Commons License

KOM6110 ANNMachineLearning Week 8 Dim. Reduction
Ders Notu

KOM6110 ANN_Machine_Learning Week 8 Dim. Reduction

KOM6110 ANN_Machine_Learning Week 8....pdf Creative Commons License

KOM6110 ANNMachineLearning Week 9 Clustering
Ders Notu

KOM6110 ANN_Machine_Learning Week 9 Clustering

KOM6110 ANN_Machine_Learning Week 9....pdf Creative Commons License

KOM6110 ANN Machine Learning Week {1-7}
Ders Notu

KOM6110 ANN Machine Learning Week {1-7}

KOM6110 ANN_Machine_Learning Week 1 Introduction

KOM6110 ANN_Machine_Learning Week 2 Intro Knowledge-Learning

KOM6110 ANN_Machine_Learning Week 3 Perceptrons

KOM6110 ANN_Machine_Learning Week 4 Perceptrons II

KOM6110 ANN_Machine_Learning Week 5 Bayes

KOM6110 ANN_Machine_Learning Week 6 Bayes II

KOM6110 ANN_Machine_Learning Week 7 CNN deep learning


# install Python 3.10.9 (or a newer version)

# on cmd.exe

python get-pip.py

#get-pip.py is under JupyterLabProjects folder

pip install opencv-python

pip install jupyterlab

python -m pip install -U matplotlib

# on cmd.exe type,


KOM6110 ANN_Machine_Learning Week {....zip Creative Commons License

KOM6110 ANNMachineLearning Assg 1 Spring 2024

KOM6110 ANN_Machine_Learning Assg 1 Spring 2024

...... There is a correction regrading the 1st question.

1) ...

a)     Create a suitable perceptron (a single unit)  structure

b)     Train it with perceptron learning using Standard Approximation, and test it with the test data.

c)     Train it with perceptron learning using Stochastic Approximation, and test it with the test data.

d)     Train it with delta rule which uses gradient descent and Standard Approximation, and test it with the test data.

e)     Train it with delta rule which uses gradient descent and Stochastic Approximation, and test it with the test data

f)      Get related figures to display data distribution, classification for training data, classification for test data, training error vs iterations

(Stochastic Approximation or  Standard Approximation is about the way you update the weights)

(refer to Week3, slides 13 and 14)

KOM6110 ANN_Machine_Learning Assg 1....zip Creative Commons License