Mine Uslu Uysal was born in Eskişehir, Turkey, in 1983. She graduated in mechanical
engineering in 2005 from the Pamukkale University where she also earned his master degree in 2010 at Department of Mechanical Engineering. In 2009, she joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics Division, Yıldız Technical University as a Research Assistant. She earned her doctorate degree in 2015 under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Uğur Güven at Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yıldız Technical University. Since 2009, she has published archival journals and conference articles about advanced materials behaviors and has also studied projects of The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). She started postdoctoral research at University of Kentucky, College of Engineering, 2017
The research activities of Dr. Mine Uslu Uysal focus on functionally gradient materials and polymers, mechanical behavior of adhesively bonded joints and finite element models for engineering systems.
- mineuslu@yildiz.edu.tr
- Web Page
- https://avesis.yildiz.edu.tr/mineuslu
- Office Phone
- +90 212 383 2826
- Fax Phone
- +90 212 383 3024
- Office
- A 508