Doğrusal denklem takımlarının çözümüne dair yöntemlerin anlatıldığı ve örnek soruların bulunduğu dökümanlar ektedir.
Doğrusal olmayan denklemlerde kök bulma yöntemleri ile ilgili notların ve örnek soruların olduğu dökümanlar ile Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists kitabında 3.2-3.10 arasında verilmiş problemlerin çözümünü içeren xls dosyası ektedir.
Çelik Yapılar I dersi 2. ödevi ektedir. Teslim tarihi 06.12.2019'dur, geç teslim edilen ödevler kesinlikle kabul edilmeyecektir.
Çelik Yapılar I dersi 1. ödevini ekte bulabilirsiniz. Teslim tarihi 01.11.2019'dur.
Dear Students,
You may use cross sectional property tables for various sections attached on the following link.
Please give your attention on the notation of dimensions on the given figures, may lead wrong results in some cases. For instance, d notates the total depth of beams in Turkish Steel Code 2016 and h describes the height of web plate when opposite is given in most property tables.
Both I and J may notate second moments (moment of inertia), A and F notate cross-sectional area, i and r notate radius of gyration, Wpl and Z notate plastic modulus, Iw and Cw notate warping constant of sections. Definition of weak and strong axes should also be noted on the used table.
Please find the applet on the link that may help to calculate mechanical properties of built-up members.
Please find attached file contains failure modes of a staggered bolted tension member connection. You may also view three dimensional illustration of these modes by clicking following figure.
Part I: Part II: Part III:
Part I: Part II:
Please find the attached document for course plan of Steel Strectures Design.
Please find the attached weekly schedule for the Steel Structures I course.
You can find the screen capture of the class on 2nd Nov on the following link:
You can find video capture of the class on 26th October on the following link:
Please find enclosed document and note that submission date is 09th November.
Please find the attached file on Snow & Wind Load assessment on structures according to Eurocode 1.
You can access to the latest Turkish Steel Design Code and AISC360-16 via the links below.
Turkish Steel Design Code (2016):
American Institute of Steel Construction 360-16:
Please find enclosed document for the weekly schedule and important notes about Steel Structures I course.
Dear Students,
Please print out property tables of UPN, IPN, IPE, HE-A, HE-B and HE-M shaped sections before the midterm exam (14.11). You will be asked for using these tables to solve exam questions. Examination will be open-book.
Değerli Öğrenciler,
Lütfen vize sınavından (14.11) önce UPN, IPN, IPE, HE-A, HE-B ve HE-M profillere ait kesit tablolarının çıktısını alınız. Sınav sorularının çözümünde bu tablolardan faydalanmanız istenecektir. Sınav açık-kitap usulünde yapılacaktır.
Dear students,
You can use the attached note to calculate torsional properties of I, U, T or L shaped sections.