Duyurular & Dokümanlar

MAT1320 - 1. Week Lecture Notes
Ders Notu

Definition of matrix, types of matrix, Equality of Matrices, Addition and subtraction of matrices, matrix multiplication by a scalar, Some properties about them. Multiplying matrices and Some properties about it. Transposes of matrices and properties of the transpose.

MAT1072 - 1. Week Lecture Notes
Ders Notu

Functions of Several Variables: Functions of Two and Three Variables: Domain and Range, Graphs, Level Curves and Level Surfaces, Limits and Continuity in Functions of Two Variables (Two-Way Test for the Absence of Limit, Continuity of Composite Functions),

Tez Dosyaları

Linear control systems on homogeneous spaces
Theorems concerning the existence and uniqueness of solutions of differential equations