Identification of Factors Affecting Building Information Modelling (BIM) Adoption for the Turkish Construction Industry

Aladağ H., Demirdöğen G., Demirbağ A. T., Işık Z.

12th Annual International Conference on Civil Engineering (ATINER2022), Athens, Greece, 20 - 23 June 2022, pp.1-14

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Athens
  • Country: Greece
  • Page Numbers: pp.1-14
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


The construction industry is of great importance for both human life and the national economy. Although the quality and efficiency of the buildings produced with the developing technology have increased, it is frequently stated in the literature that the construction industry remains in the lower ranks in terms of digitalization and technology adaptation compared to other sectors. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is seen as a new opportunity that can move the construction industry forward in this race. However, BIM adaptation in Turkey is not at the desired level taken into the account of BIM use benefits for construction industry. In this context, the aim of the study is to determine the factors affecting BIM adaptation in the Turkish construction industry and to identify importance level of these factors on the BIM adaptation level in the Turkish construction industry respectively. Within the scope of the study, a total number of 59 factors that affect BIM adaptation were found under ten categories (organizational factors, personal factors, technology quality, financial factors, environmental factors, perceived ease of use, consensus on BIM use, perceived benefit, personal intention, and organizational intention). Interviews were carried out with BIM experts from construction industry to validate identified factors. Gathered data from expert evaluation was then analyzed with Relative Importance Index (RII) method to identify the significance of identified factors on the BIM adaptation level in the Turkish construction industry. According to the findings, the most important factors show similarity with the developing countries in terms of ranks. The study is of vital importance in terms of revealing factors affecting BIM adaptation for the Turkish construction industry. In addition, the findings of the study will provide industry professionals a perspective on which factors should be considered to improve BIM adoption.