Investigation And Characterızatıon Of Duplex Staınless Steel Productıon By Mechanıcal Alloyıng Method

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Örücü S., Birol B., Gecü R.

International Marmara Sciences Congress (Imascon Autumn) 2022, Kocaeli, Turkey, 9 - 10 December 2022, pp.25

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Kocaeli
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.25
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


The production of parts by powder metallurgy method is widely used today and it is an alternative way to classical production methods. In this context,the preparation of stainless steel by powder metallurgy method has been the subject of investigation due to different alloy choices,its ability to produce components with various mechanical properties. In this study,duplex stainless steels,which are generally produced by casting method, were studied using the mechanical alloying technique.First,duplex stainless steel type was determined in line with the information obtained by examining the scientific articles published on this subject. Elemental 99.9% Fe-Cr-Ni powders with 75% Fe (Iron), 20% Cr (Chromium) and 5% Ni (Nickel) ratios were mixed with 1% mold lubricant stearic acid, ball powder ratios were 6:1and12:1, total times were 10hr,20hr and 40hr, the rotational speeds of the ball mill were applied as 300RPM and 500RPM. After mechanical alloying with the help of a planetary ball mill, XRD analyzes were made to the new powder mixtures formed as a result of the process. Mechanically alloyed powder materials compressed in the mold with at 120 bar pressure. Sintering of the samples were carried out under flow of argon gas, including removal of stearic acid for 1 hour at 550 °C in sinter furnace, and sintering for 1 hour at 1300°C. After preparation for metallographic imaging of duplex stainless steel samples,the microstructures of the sintered samples were taken with optical microscope. Samples were subjected to hardness tests. As a result, optimum results were obtained at 300 RPM grinding speed with 6:1 powder / ball ratio for 10 hours.