Fabrication of a Textile-Based Platform for Rapid Analyte Detection

Onder S., Kök F. N., Trabzon L., Kızıl H., Kayaoglu B. K., Göcek İ.

2nd International Conference on Mechanical Design and Power Engineering (ICMDPE 2013), Beijing, China, 29 - 30 November 2013, pp.1611-1612 identifier identifier


A novel textile-based analytical device with a simultaneous, rapid, sensitive and qualitative response for analyte detection that may have a potential use in different body fluids such as sweat, blood, saliva and urine is proposed in this study as an alternative to its paper-based counterparts. A porous polypropylene spunbond nonwoven was used as base fabric which is superior to paper with higher tear and crinkle resistance, flexibility and wearability.