Milli Egitim, vol.51, no.234, pp.1805-1830, 2022 (Scopus)
© 2022. Milli Egitim. All Rights Reserved.It is important for students to realize that what they have learned is in life and be able to transfer it to their daily lives. One of the aims of teaching mathematics is also that the student can transfer mathematical concepts to daily life. On the other hand, in the 2023 Vision Document of Ministry of National Education, it is aimed to establish Design-Skill Workshops (DSW) in schools according to the interests and abilities of children that will support their intellectual, emotional and physical development. In terms of teaching mathematics, it is thought that DSWs will facilitate students’ ability to transfer mathematics to daily life and support their versatile development. At this point, resources for teachers to guide them develop activities suitable for these workshops are limited. Therefore, in this study, an activity development model that can be used in DSWs in mathematics teaching was proposed. This model consists of seven stages: knowing the student, determining the content, determining the objectives, determining the DSW, planning, implementing, and evaluating the activity. In the planning process, the activity is structured by associating it with other disciplines, life skills, and real life, the necessary materials are determined, an instruction for the activity is prepared for students, and an assessment tool is prepared to evaluate the product or performance that will emerge as a result of the activity. In order to make this process understandable, an activity development process is exemplified through this model. Although this model has been developed specifically for mathematics, it is expected to guide schools and teachers from other subject fields.