Ceramics International, vol.49, no.14, pp.23546-23557, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)
In the present study, the dielectric, ac conductivity, and complex impedance properties of (YxEu1-x) Ba2Cu3O6.5 perovskite ceramics where x: 0; 0,4; 0,6; 1 have been examined from room temperature to 523 K between 1 Hz and 20 MHz frequency range. The ceramics have been synthesized by solid-state reaction method. The XRD analyses of the samples pointed out that they crystallize in an orthorhombic structure. While the highest orthorombicity factor has been observed for YBa2Cu3O6.5 ceramic, the reduced orthorhombicity in the other ceramics has been associated with the Eu substitution. On the other hand, the dielectric analyses of the samples have revealed a negative real permittivity (NRP) property of all ceramics regardless of the Eu substitution ratio and temperature. The origin of the NRP phenomenon has been explained based on the Drude model. However, it has been reported that the frequency interval at which the NRP is valid is maximum for x≥0.6 at high temperatures (T > 500 K). Additionally, both impedance and loss tangent spectra of the samples have been evaluated by establishing a correlation between NRP and the inductive character of the ceramics. The dc conductivity and the real component of complex impedance analyses imply the semiconducting nature and the negative thermal coefficient (NTC) of resistance of the ceramics. Ac conductivity analyses also indicate a pre-dominant CBH charge transport mechanism in the ceramics except for EuBa2Cu3O6.5.