ITS 2015 INTERACTIVE TABLETOPS AND SURFACES, Amadora, Portugal, 15 - 18 November 2015, pp.151-159
Interactive surfaces could be employed in urban environments
to make people more aware of moving vehicles, showing
drivers’ intention and the subsequent position of vehicles. To
explore the usage of projections while cycling, we created a
system that displays a map for navigation and signals cyclist
intention. The first experiment compared the task of map navigation on a display projected on a road surface in front of the
bicycle with a head-up display (HUD) consisting of a projection on a windshield. The HUD system was considered
safer and easier to use. In our second experiment, we used
projected surfaces to implement concepts inspired by Gibson’s perception theory of driving that were combined with
detection of conventional cycling gestures to signal and visualize turning intention. The comparison of our system with
an off-the-shelf turn signal system showed that gesture input
was easier to use. A web-based follow-up study based on
the recording of the two signalling systems from the perspective of participants in traffic showed that with the gestureprojector system it was easier to understand and predict the
cyclist intention.