

Prof.Dr. Alev Taşkın and Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ertuğrul Ayyıldız are among the top 2% in the world according to the Elsevier Citation Metrics prepared by Stanford University!

Prof.Dr. Alev Taşkın and Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ertuğrul Ayyıldız are among the top 2% in the world according to the Elsevier Citation Metrics prepared by Stanford University. We congratulate them and all the aiboss research group members who contributed to ...

Our publication with the title "A comparative Bayesian optimization‑based machine learning and artificial neural networks approach for burned area prediction in forest fires: an application in Turkey" has been published!

This study presents a prediction methodology to assist in designing an effective resource planning for wildfire fighting. The presented methodology uses artificial neural networks, bagging and boosting in ensemble learning algorithms, and traditional...

Our publication with the title "Deep learning and stereo vision based detection of post-earthquake fire geolocation for smart cities within the scope of disaster management: İstanbul case" has been published!!

In this study, an early fire detection system is proposed in order to minimize the losses caused by fires in the potentially chaotic environment that may occur after earthquakes in cities. This system consists of a structure that detects fire with co...

5 Temmuz 2023 Tarihinde Prof.Dr. Alev TAŞKIN Ekotürk TV'de Lojistikte Yapay Zeka Uygulamaları Kapsamında AI-BOSS Faaliyetlerini Paylaşmaya Devam Etti!

5 Temmuz 2023 Tarihinde Prof.Dr. Alev TAŞKIN Ekotürk TV'de Lojistikte Yapay Zeka Uygulamaları Kapsamında AI-BOSS Faaliyetlerini Paylaşmaya Devam Etti. İzlemek isteyenler için Youtube linki:

Our Publication with the Title "A comparative neural networks and neuro-fuzzy based REBA methodology in ergonomic risk assessment: An application for service workers" has been Publshed!

Our publication, which includes our methodology proposal for the autonomous operation of the REBA method, which is widely used in ergonomic risk assessment, with the help of Artificial Neural Networks and Neuro-Fuzzy Networks, and its application ...

On May 3, 2023, Prof.Dr. Alev TAŞKIN will Share AI-BOSS Activities within the Scope of Artificial Intelligence Applications in Logistics on Ekotürk TV!

AI-BOSS araştırma grubu lideri Prof.Dr. Alev TAŞKIN Ekotürk TV'de 3 Mayıs Saat 15:00'te katılacağı canlı yayında Lojistikte Yapay Zeka Uygulamaları Kapsamında AI-BOSS Faaliyetlerini Paylaşacak!

Our New International and Interdisciplinary Article Has Been Published!

Our article titled "k-Best Feature Selection and Ranking via Stochastic Approximation”,in which we propose a stochastic-based and high-speed feature selection and ranking algorithm to the Artificial Intelligence literature, is published in the Q1 c...

AI-BOSS Research Group Leader Prof.Dr. Alev TAŞKIN conducted studies as Visiting Professor in The Data Science Department of Harz University, Germany!

AI-BOSS Research Group Leader Prof.Dr. Alev TAŞKIN conducted studies as Visiting Professor in The Data Science department of The Automation and Computer Science Faculty of Harz University, Germany. For several academic studies and projects based o...

Congratulations to Dr. Ertuğrul Ayyıldız for His PhD Thesis Award at Yildiz Technical University!

We share with you the knowledge and joy that AI-BOSS research group member Dr. Ertuğrul Ayyıldız was deemed worthy of the Yildiz Technical University 2022 PhD Thesis Award with his thesis titled "Time Dependent Heterogeneous Fleet Multi-Product Pa...

Ezgi Zehra Kadız, graduate student and research assistant member of AI-BOSS research group, attended the 2nd International Symposium on Sustainable Logistics congress with paper presentation

Industrial Engineering graduate student and research assistant Ezgi Zehra Kadız,who is a member of AI-BOSS research group, participated in the 2nd International Symposium on Sustainable Logistics congress with an oral presentation, with her paper ti...

Khaled Dandis, undergraduate student member of AI-BOSS research group, attended the 2nd International Symposium on Sustainable Logistics congress with paper presentation

Industrial Engineering undergraduate and graduation thesis student Khaled Dandis, who is a member of AI-BOSS research group, participated in the 2nd International Symposium on Sustainable Logistics congress with an oral presentation, with his paper...