KURAM VE UYGULAMADA EGITIM BILIMLERI, vol.14, no.6, pp.2049-2062, 2014 (SSCI)
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship of the perceived types of teachers (liked, disliked and neutral) with the subjective well-being and academic success of their students, and to determine how students come to categorize their liked, disliked and neutral teachers considering the Big-Five Personality Model. The quantitative group consisted of 187 participants between 14 and 16 years old, 83 females and 104 males. The qualitative study group consisted of 60 adolescents (30 males and 30 females) whose ages ranged from 14 to 16. The Big-Five Personality Inventory, Positive and Negative Affect scales, and qualitative questionnaire were used. One-way ANOVA and content analysis methods were used. The most important personality traits of "liked" teachers are extroversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, emotional stability, and openness. However, "dis-liked" teachers have such personality traits as introversion, suspiciousness and antagonism towards others, emotional instability, an easy-going nature/carelessness, and consistency/cautiousness.