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Kepekci H., Yurtseven A., Barbak L.

14th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING & NATURAL SCIENCES, Sivas, Turkey, 18 - 19 July 2022, vol.14, no.1, pp.619-627

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 14
  • City: Sivas
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.619-627
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


PV panels are used to generate electricity from solar energy, which is one of the renewable energy sources. PV panels produced using semiconductor materials can directly convert photon energy into electrical energy. The main problem with these systems is their low efficiency. One of the reasons for this is dust in the air. Especially due to some advantages such as avoiding dust in the air and cooling, the idea of establishing power plants consisting of PV panels on water rather than terrestrial regions has emerged. This idea both increases system efficiency and provides benefits against climate change as it reduces evaporation in water in the region where they are installed. The most important forces acting on floating solar power plants (SPP) modules are acceleration and wind loads during swimming. Within the scope of this study, the swimming process of a single SPP module has been modeled and its movement under external forces has been examined. The panel, skeleton, and buoyancy components of a single module have been modeled and CFD analysis has been performed. As a result of the study, it has been seen that the current force in the water on the floating SPP modules is much more effective than the wind force. In addition, it has been concluded that both the current and the wind force coming from the north direction increased both the drag and lift forces acting on the floating SPP modules more than the forces coming from the south direction. Another result obtained from the analysis is that the external forces acting on the floating SPP module increase with the increase in wind speed, but this increase is not linear.