Nonlinear Analysis of a Multiple Story Building Under Uniform Blast Loading

Sabiounamata S., Koçak A.

International Journal of Engineering Technologies IJET, vol.3, pp.190-195, 2017 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)


Nowadays, due to repetitively and intense terrorist attacks on infrastructure; many specialists in the field of construction or related to the field focus their researches on this unpredictable phenomenon. In this regard it is very important to take into account the effect of explosions on buildings and infrastructures during their conceptions, especially those for administrative, diplomatic and recreational purposes which have become the main targets of these abominable acts. An explosion which takes place within or immediately nearby a building can cause catastrophic damage on the building's external and internal structural frames, collapsing of walls, blowing out of large expanses of windows, and shutting down of critical life-safety systems. Loss of life and injuries to occupants can result from many causes, including direct blast-effects, structural collapse, debris impact, fire, and smoke.
The response of reinforced concrete structures subjected to blast loads can be studied numerically using commercial finite element programs. This paper, hence, to get the structural response of structural elements within of a 6 storeys building, which is composed in frame system. A simulation of explosion which has been taking place in the ground floor of the building, using ABAQUS.