Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, vol.1004, 2024 (SCI-Expanded)
Nowadays, non-invasive and nontoxic therapy methods are preferred to treat diverse types of cancer. Sono-photodynamic therapy (SPDT) is one of these alternative methods, combining the properties of PDT (photodynamic therapy) and SDT (sonodynamic therapy) and resulting in a higher singlet oxygen generation. The efficiency of this method is increased by synthesizing a complex with enhanced photochemical properties to use as a sensitizer. Phthalocyanines, especially with added derivatives holding diamagnetic metals such as Si4+, are often compounds used in PDT studies owing to their efficient yields of singlet oxygen formation. In this study, 4‑hydroxy-7-methoxyquinoline silicon phthalocyanine was synthesized and its anti-cancer therapy effect rates were calculated and compared by photochemical and sono-photochemical methods in DMSO. This research will help the studies that aim to obtain high singlet oxygen efficiency in therapeutic methods.