Chemical Etching of Al7075 Alloy with NaOH

Çakır O.

Congress on Advances in Mechanical and Systems Engineering (CAMSE) 2021, Jalandhar, India, 17 - 19 July 2021

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Unpublished
  • City: Jalandhar
  • Country: India
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Chemical etching is an important non-traditional machining process employing chemical etchant to corrode the unwanted section from thin material for obtaining desired component. In the present study, chemical etching was performed to etch aluminium alloy (Al7075) which is widely used in aircraft, automotive and other industries. NaOH was applied at two different chemical machining temperatures (25 and 50°C) and chemical etchant concentrations (1 and 2 Mols). The influences of selected chemical etching parameters on depth of etch and surface roughness were investigated. The effects of chemical etchant concentration and chemical etching temperature were positive on depth of etches. Enhancement of chemical etchant concentration increased depth of etch and the maximum depth of etch was obtained by rising chemical machining temperature. However, surface roughness was adversely influenced, high values of chemical etchant concentration and temperature caused poor surface quality.