Seher Abdal's work titled "Muʻcizât-nâme-i Muhammed Aleyhisselâm Kasîde-i Yemen" Seher Abdal’ın “Muʻcizât-nâme-i Muhammed Aleyhisselâm Kasîde-i Yemen” Adlı Eseri

Harmancı M.

Osmanli Medeniyeti Arastirmalari Dergisi, vol.2024, no.21, pp.55-87, 2024 (Scopus) identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 2024 Issue: 21
  • Publication Date: 2024
  • Doi Number: 10.21021/osmed.1413268
  • Journal Name: Osmanli Medeniyeti Arastirmalari Dergisi
  • Journal Indexes: Scopus, TR DİZİN (ULAKBİM)
  • Page Numbers: pp.55-87
  • Keywords: miracle, mucizatname, Prophet Muhammad, Seher Abdal
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Each cultural circle has created narratives of heroes compatible with its thought system, beliefs, and value judgements, and these narratives, which have been passed down for generations, have found their place in cultural memory. These heroes, who save the individual or society from the difficulties they face, struggle for their ideals, and have exemplary personalities with the principles and values they adopt, are fictionalized, or real people carried to the narrative stage according to the narrative type and structure of the narrative. With the acceptance of Islam by the Turks, along with many important names of the religion of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, has been the source of many literary works in terms of his religious and historical personality, spiritual leadership, administrative ability, and exemplary personality, and has been the central hero of literary narratives. The miracles of the Prophet were also the subject of different genres or works in which miracles were at the centre. During the Ottoman civilisation, the number of these works increased, and Seher Abdal, who lived at the end of the XVth and the beginning of the XVIth centuries, wrote three independent mucizatnames. In this article, the manuscript titled “Muʻcizât-nâme-i Muhammed Aleyhisselâm Kasîde-i Yemen”, which is the first of Seher Abdal’s mucizatnames (miracle texts), is analysed. The work of 146 couplets is between leaves 28b-34a of the 63-leaf manuscript registered in Istanbul University Rare Works Library, Turkish Manuscripts Section, number 3695. In the study, the work has been analysed in terms of genre and content, and the translated text has been given.