Environmental Research & Technology, vol.4, no.2, pp.152-156, 2021 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Many control approaches are used today to prevent the contamination of soils with heavy metals and to remove
pollution. One of these approaches is phytoremediation for the on-site treatment of pollutants. In phytoremediation,
hyperaccumulator plants are used, which absorb heavy metals, accumulate at high levels in their tissues, and
neutralize them after various processes. It was aimed to determine the effects of heavy metals on plant growth and
the heavy metal accumulation capacity of plants in this study. Using the phytoremediation method, the growth
process of the canola plant and its lead removal capacity from the soil were investigated. The study was carried out in
3 replicates by watering the plants only with tap water and tap water containing different concentrations of lead in
greenhouse conditions. The prepared soil mixture was placed in pots as 2000 g pot-1. The sown seeds were
germinated using tap water in the plant growing room and the water requirement of the plants was met with tap
water containing a certain concentration of lead during the next growing period. Plants were harvested at the end of
the 3 month growth period. The plants irrigated with the lead solution were compared with the plants irrigated with
only tap water, and the elongation amounts of root and stem lengths were determined. Plant samples with dry
weights determined were burned with certain chemicals using the microwave method, and then the amount of lead in
the plants was measured with the ICP-MS device.