JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES, vol.13, pp.715-732, 2019 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
This paper focuses on
investigating students’ reasons for their reluctance to attend faculty members’
office hours. Study participants included 500 male and female students from the
Colleges of Engineering (n = 248) and
Arts and Social Sciences (CASS) (n =
252) at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU). The study followed a
descriptive-analytical approach, and a questionnaire was utilized to collect people’s
views. The results of the study indicate that the rates of SQU students’
attendance to office hours were low, and some students (11.2%) do not attend at
all as they consider these office hours a waste of time. The main reasons behind
the students’ lack of interest in office hours were busy student timetables, conflicts
between faculty office hours and students’ timetables, and easier and faster ways
of getting information than visiting faculty members. Additional reasons were related
to faculty members’ personalities and their discouraging attitudes toward
attending office hours. The researchers recommend that SQU adopt a new strategy
for encouraging faculty members to hold office hours, familiarizing students
with the importance of office hours, working on setting suitable office hour
timings that sync with students’ timetables, and assigning part of a course’s
grades to meeting with faculty members’ office hours.