Sözlü Çeviri Eğitimine Güncel Yaklaşımlar, Alev Bulut & Esra Özkaya, Editör, İstanbul Üniversitesi yay., İstanbul, ss.71-84, 2019
The Benefits of the Effort Models in Interpreting Teaching
The aim of this study is to present an outline of the benefits of the Effort Models in interpreting teaching. Although the identification and the classification of
the items which are considered to remain out of the “acceptable” norms and of errors and omissions in student performances are of some importance in teaching,
especially in evaluation, their usage provides limited contribution to students’
problems. In addition, the mere identification of errors and omissions in student
performances might not reflect the students’ problems for several reasons. On the
one hand, students do not necessarily encounter the same problems for the same
type of errors and omissions. On the other hand, they do not always make the
same kind of errors and omissions when it comes to a particular type of problem.
The Effort Models, originally developed for pedagogical purposes by Daniel Gile
in order to explain recurring problems in interpretation, shed light on mental
operations and their management during the interpretation process. Therefore,
this study aims to present the Effort Models which provide conceptual elements to
explore the difficulties of interpretation as well as the new perspective they bring
to research with their interest for both trainers and students.
Key words: Effort Models, Interpreting Teaching, Conference Interpreting Teaching, Process- Oriented Approach, Difficulties of Interpreting