Minimal abelian codes of length p^n and 2p^n

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Kangal N., Köroğlu M. E.

7th International Conference on Mathematics “An Istanbul Meeting for World Mathematicians”, İstanbul, Turkey, 11 July - 13 September 2023, pp.181

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: İstanbul
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.181
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Let F_q  be a finite field with q elements and G be a finite abelian group such that (Q , |G| )=1. Then the group algebra F_qG is semisimple and its ideals can be expressed by means of the primitive idempotents of F_qG. Minimal codes can be considered as the minimal ideals of the group algebra F_qG and minimal ideals can be represented by primitive idempotents. In this talk, we will give a survey of tne literature on the known minimal codes of length p^n and 2p^n over finite abelian group algebras and their parameters.