ICONTES, Antalya, Turkey, 26 - 29 October 2018

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Antalya
  • Country: Turkey
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Yeldegirmeni is a valuable center of Kadikoy with its historical identity and neighborhood culture. With the value of field, in 2010, under the leadership of the Kadikoy Municipality and the CEKUL Foundat ion, the 'Yeldegirmeni Regeneration Project' was started. Because of the idea of municipality that artists should stay in Yeldegirmeni, it has been exposed to gentrification process in which some of its influences are nowadays experienced. Also, Yeldegirme ni has become a very attractive area for artists who are considered pioneers of gentrification because of all the features mentioned and the low rental values at the beginning. When the artists came to the Yeldegirmeni, a large number of new generation boh emian cafes came along. Due to rapid increase of cafes, rent and property prices which are low at first have begun to increase. Increasing rent prices have not been able to meet by artists and they have begun to leave their workshops. According to a pilot survey of 100 interviews, the household has moved to areas where the rent and property prices are lower than the Yeldegirmeni. It is foreseen that this event will harm the neighborhood culture of Yeldegirmeni. Increasing the rate of non - recognition in the area due to new relocations. Due to the gentrification process observed in Yeldegirmeni, artisans and tourism facilities are adversely affected. In the face of the new generation cafes, artisans have begun to lose importance and close the shop. Whereas art isans are one of the indicators of the neighborhood culture. In addition, artisans are in need of both households and artists (in shopping terms). During the gentrification process, new structures called 'airb - nb' were observed at Yeldegirmeni. This struct ure, which is unregistered and unsecured, is not required to be in the field by all other users, especially the household, and attracts the user base of the tourism facilities. The tourism industry operators in the field complain very much about this situa tion. With a pilot survey of 100 questionnaires, different users of the Yeldegirmeni (Households, trade: artisans and new generation cafes separately, tourist facilities and real estate agents to understand airbnb structuring,) were listened to separately. It is aimed to develop a solution to the problem of how to reduce or prevent the effects of the process of gentrification in the Yeldegirmeni by identifying problems that are both different and mutually shared. A 'Strategic Planning' will be carried out f or the Yeldegirmeni in accordance with this aim.