Robust Controller Design for Longitudinal and Lateral Model of High-Performance Fixed-Wing UAVs

Isci B., UCUN L.

11th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ICEEE 2024, Marmaris, Türkiye, 22 - 24 Nisan 2024, ss.62-67 identifier

  • Yayın Türü: Bildiri / Tam Metin Bildiri
  • Doi Numarası: 10.1109/iceee62185.2024.10779241
  • Basıldığı Şehir: Marmaris
  • Basıldığı Ülke: Türkiye
  • Sayfa Sayıları: ss.62-67
  • Anahtar Kelimeler: Controller, fixed-wing aircraft, robustness
  • Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


This study focuses on designing and analyzing H∞ and H2 control algorithms for fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with reference tracking control objective under disturbances. Two different robust control strategies, developed based on the linearized UAV mathematical model, are implemented in the inner loop defined as the angular velocity control loop in the nonlinear mathematical model to enhance the performance of attitude angular velocity by improving the robustness against disturbances. This papaer also includes disturbance effects on UAVs such as gust model and time-dependent change of the centre of gravity model. The results of the two different control algorithms are compared and presented in terms of time-domain specifications.