6th Language and Technology Conference (LTC), Poznan, Poland, 7 - 09 December 2013, vol.9561, pp.386-394
In this paper, we applied lexico-syntactic patterns to disclose meronymy relation from a huge Turkish raw text. Once, the system takes a huge raw corpus and extract matched cases for a given pattern, it proposes a list of whole-part pairs depending on their co-occur frequencies. For the purpose, we exploited and compared a list of pattern clusters. The clusters to be examined could fall into three types; general patterns, dictionary-based pattern, and bootstrapped pattern. We evaluated how these patterns improve the system performance especially within corpus-based approach and distributional feature of words. Finally, we discuss all the experiments with a comparison analysis and we showed advantage and disadvantage of the approaches with promising results.
Meronym Lexico-syntactic patterns Corpus-based approaches