in: Self-Build Experience: Institutionalisation, Place-making and City Building, Willem Salet,Camila D'Ottaviano,Stan Majoor,Daniel Bossuyt, Editor, Policy Press , Bristol, pp.167-189, 2020
Chapter 9
Residential experiences in times of shifting housing
regimes in Istanbul[1]
Zeynep Enlil, İclal Dinçer
chapter examines changing housing regimes in Istanbul. It analyses two forms of
self-building that emerged as solutions improvised by people in response to the
pressing housing need and became predominant modes of housing production since
the 1950s, namely “gecekondu,” and “yap-sat” or “build-and-sell.” Although stimulated by governments for some decades,
both of these self-regulated housing forms came to a point of expulsion under
the new regime of capital accumulation based on aggressive
real-estate development that has been adopted since the 2000s.
[1] The research for this article was supported by the
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), project no.