Fourth National Conference on Geosynthetics, İstanbul, Turkey, 10 - 11 June 2010, pp.1-10
This paper presents the behavior of a geogrid-reinforced load transform
platform supported by Geopier columns.
For this purpose, the behavior of a test embankment constructed over
soft ground in Gebeng, Pahang in Malaysia is investigated by comparing the field
measurements made with those obtained from the numerical analyses. Numerical analyses were made using 3D finite
element method by commercial code Plaxis 3D Foundation. In the analyses, the soil is modeled using an
elasto-plastic constitutive model. Model
parameters were obtained from laboratory and field tests. The field
measurements compared well with the results obtained from the numerical
analyses providing valuable insights regarding the load transfer mechanisms and
the deformation of the embankment when it is constructed over a
geogrid-reinforced load transfer platform supported on Geopier columns.