The digital era has had a profound impact on all aspects of society, particularly on
the digital generation - individuals who were born and raised during this era of
rapid scientific and technological advancements. Referred to as Gen Z, this
generation differs from previous generations, such as Generation X and Generation
Y, in terms of their lifestyles and individual and social expectations. Failing to
comprehend the unique lifestyles and expectations of Gen Z could pose significant
challenges when making decisions that affect their lives. This study employs
transcendental phenomenology (TPh) and in-depth one-on-one interviews to
examine the experiences and interpretations of high school students, specifically
Gen Z, regarding formal educational practices. The study sheds light on Gen Z's
expectations for their teachers, curriculum, school administration, and School
Counselling Service (SCS). The findings have important implications for Gen Z
and offer recommendations for policy and practice.