TUBA World Conference on Energy Science and Technolcogy (TUBA WCEST – 2021), İstanbul, Turkey, 8 - 12 August 2021, pp.216-217
Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plants (CCPP) produce are very significant producers of electricity. They incur
significant costs during their production process. In addition to the cost of natural gas, each plant is subject to very
high start-up cost and shut down costs. Electricity, on the other hand, cannot be stored efficiently, and hence it is
sold as soon as it is produced. Moreover, it’s a commodity which is traded in the electricity markets and its price is
subject to change at each hour. Therefore, scheduling the electricity production of a CCPP is not very straightforward.
In this study, we model the electricity production of a CCPP using a mixed integer programing (MIP) model. The
results show that number of starts ups and shutdowns reduces as the costs increases.