The 17th APCG Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness, Taipei, Taiwan, 7 - 10 July 2022, pp.243-252
This study aims to discover explanatory factors that predict reading scores for
academically gifted students in Canada by using the PISA 2018 database. The
ecological model was utilized to investigate the ecological background of reading
success in this study. In line with the literature, five potential explanatory factors were
examined among the items in the student questionnaire. Exploratory factor analysis
(EFA) was used to detect factors. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was performed
to create a model explaining reading success. Afterwards, indices of goodness-fitcriteria
were examined. The findings indicated that there is a complex background for
reading. All predictive factors (i.e., Disciplinary climate in the classroom (DC), sense
of belonging (SB), perception of competence in reading (PC), perception of
difficulties (PD), and cognitive flexibility/adaptability (CF)) have a positive effect on