AURUM M ÜHENDİS LİK SİS TEM LERİ VE MİMARLIK DERGİSİ, cilt.8, sa.2, ss.187-197, 2024 (Hakemli Dergi)
In this study, the damage caused by the lightning direct effect on carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) aircraft
structures located in the initial lightning strike zones has been addressed. Lightning current component A was applied
to both CFRP and copper foil coated CFRP models, and coupled electrical-thermal analyses were conducted using the
finite element method implemented in the Abaqus software. The analysis aimed to investigate the effectiveness of 448
g/m² solid copper foil in reducing the damage caused by Joule heating, one of the direct effects of lightning, in CFRP,
as well as to determine the influence of panel size variation on the extent of damage.