Wave Interference Prediction of a Trimaran Using Form Factor

Creative Commons License

Duman S., Doğrul A., Yıldız B., Datla R.

HSMV 2020 - Symposium on High Speed Marine Vehicles, Naples, Italy, 15 - 16 October 2020, pp.99-108

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Naples
  • Country: Italy
  • Page Numbers: pp.99-108
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


The increasing demands in high-speed transportation have brought the

multi-hull forms into the forefront. Many applications have already been realized in

civil transportation and naval purposes. The design features and performance

characteristics of these vessels differ from mono-hull due to the wave interference

phenomenon. Nowadays, evaluation of ship hydrodynamics with CFD has become

very popular and successful results have been achieved. Based on this, it is aimed to

contribute to the prediction of wave interference effects of a trimaran surface

combatant, advancing in deep, unbounded and calm water, by applying the CFD

method. A trimaran model with a scale of 1/125 was chosen for the numerical

investigation. Primarily, a V&V study was conducted by using proper techniques.

Then, the form factor of the trimaran was calculated with two different methods:

Prohaska and double-body. The hydrodynamic analyses were performed under

incompressible, viscous and fully turbulent flow conditions. Computational results

were compared in terms of resistance components and interference factors. The form

factor prediction methods were discussed regarding wave interference.