Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi-Hacettepe University Journal Of Education, vol.34, no.1, pp.1-22, 2020 (ESCI)
The aim of this study is to determine if competence for use of 21th century skills differs according to various demographic variables of secondary school teachers from several cities in Turkey and several branches. The study was conducted via comparative survey research which is one of descriptive survey research models. Study group consisted of 506 secondary school teachers from different branches and who work in different cities in 2017-2018 education term. "Teachers' Use of 21th Century Skills Scale" which was developed by Orhan-Goksiin (2016) to determine secondary school teachers' competence for use of 21th century skills and "Personal Information Survey" was developed to identify the teacher related demographic variables by the researchers. Competence for use of 21st century skills of secondary teachers was investigated according to gender, years of seniority, graduation faculty, the organization where s/he works etc. Many differences were detected in this context of this study. The findings of this study were hoped to be promote the literature in teachers' competencies and teacher training systems.