Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol.7, no.5, pp.1039-1055, 2021 (ESCI)
In this study, the comprehensive thermodynamic, exergoeconomic and environmental performance of two multigeneration systemsfuelled by biomass and solar energy is surveyed. The multigeneration system A utilizes municipal solid waste and solar energy to produce power, heating, cooling, fresh water, and hydrogen which is considered to be located in the north of Iran with a moderate climate. Whereas, the multigeneration system B consumes bagasse and solar energy to supply power, heating, cooling, liquefied natural gas, and freshwater which is assumed to be located in the south of Iran with a hot climate. The results of the study show thatsystem B provides better performance from a thermodynamic viewpoint with energy and exergy efficiencies of 82.45% an d 15.75%. Mo reover, according to th e ou tputs of exergoeconomic modelling, system B presents better performance because of lower capital costs. Finally, environmental profit is attained by accomplishing system B because of avoiding 1.14 million tons of NOx and 0.31 million tons of CO2 depletion to the atmosphere per year. In the end, through conducting a parametric study, the effect of key parameters on the thermodynamic, economic, and environmental performances of two systems is discussed.