Journal Of Irrigation And Drainage Engineering-Asce, vol.1, no.1, pp.1-10, 2021 (SCI-Expanded)
fields are highly functional places for economic and social purposes nowadays. Effects
of various climate conditions on sports fields are very crucial in terms of
playability, health of the players and pleasure of spectators. This study aims
to evaluate drainage behaviors of different sports field drainage techniques
considering hydrological aspects. For this purpose, 40 experiments were carried
out. In the experiments, rainfall simulator (RS) was used to create different
storms which included four different design hyetographs with various rainfall
intensities and 6 different constant rainfall intensities. Pipe Drain (PD), Suspended
Water Table (SWT), Sand Groove (SG) and Slit Drain (SD) were also investigated
as drainage techniques that are the most commonly known and suggested in the
literature. Drain outflows were obtained and drawn with respect to experiment
time for each storm and constant rainfall condition. S hydrographs were
consecutively created for increasing value of the constant rainfall intensities.
The hydrograph parameters which are time to start to drain, maximum outflow,
time to reach maximum outflow and infiltration rate were also evaluated for PD,
SWT, SG and SD. It is clearly stated that maximum drainage outflow of the SD
was greater. The hyetographs had more distinctive effects on the shape of the drainage
outflow hydrographs for PD and SWT. The rainfall intensities were not
separately caused to surface ponding for each drainage method in this study. For
90 mmh-1 and lower rainfall intensities, three drainage methods
demonstrated similar drainage behaviors except SD. The subsequent greater
rainfall intensities were induced different maximum drain outflows for each
drainage technique. Furthermore, SD had maximum average outflows in every
constant rainfall intensity. As a result, under the specific conditions which
are non-weary surface, high level sanded root zone and well construction, suggested
four drainage systems demonstrated similar hydrologic behaviors even if some
hydrograph parameters were slightly different.
Keywords: Sports Field, Drainage, Suspended Water Table, Sand
Slit, Sand Groove, Rainfall.