Partially Dielectric-Loaded Ridged Horn Antenna Design for Ultrawideband Gain and Radiation Performance Enhancement

TÜRK A. S., Keskin A. K.

IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS, vol.11, pp.921-924, 2012 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


In this letter, a partially dielectric-loaded double-ridged horn antenna (PD-DRHA) that operates at 1-18-GHz frequency band is proposed for ultrawideband applications. The partially dielectric loading technique using a small lens inward the aperture has been implemented to enhance the gain of the standard double-ridged horn antenna (DRHA), without changing the physical dimensions. Approximately 5 dB gain increment level is achieved from 5 to 15 GHz with slight changes on return loss characteristics. Moreover, the pattern distortion of DRHA typically between 12-18-GHz band is improved. The antenna gain, radiation pattern, and input reflection performance measurements are presented with comparisons.