The Relations Between Memory-Value-Place in the Definition and Protection of Multilayered Cultural Heritage: The Case of Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Fındıklı Campus

Atabay Z. E., Binan D. U.

Tasarım+Kuram, vol.19, no.140. Yıl, pp.54-84, 2023 (Peer-Reviewed Journal) identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 19 Issue: 140. Yıl
  • Publication Date: 2023
  • Doi Number: 10.14744/tasarimkuram.412
  • Journal Name: Tasarım+Kuram
  • Journal Indexes: TR DİZİN (ULAKBİM)
  • Page Numbers: pp.54-84
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University (MSGSÜ) has been the source of the country's production in the fields of architecture, art, design, culture, and science in the 140 years since its establishment. The University has been using the Fındıklı Campus for 96 years. The physical layers of the Fındıklı Campus also contain the semantic relations established between each other, the city, the institution, and its users. These relations are the source of the spirit of the place (genius loci) and its original and distinctive features for Fındıklı Campus. These features are known as heritage values within the discipline of cultural heritage conservation. In the case of architectural products, conservation values arise not only from their physical existence but also from the meanings and values attributed to them by their users. This study; aims to investigate the values attributed to the place in individual and collective memory corresponding to the conservation values defined in the field of cultural heritage conservation in the context of place through the case of MSGSU Fındıklı Campus. The study consists of two main phases carried out with different research methods. The first phase focuses on the development and changes of the institution and the campus in the historical process. The second phase investigates the connections between the memory-place relations and the cultural heritage preservation values attributed to Fındıklı Campus. This phase required obtaining first-hand information from users who were familiar with the institution and campus and who had developed ties with these two. In line with the purpose of the study, the semi-structured interview method, which enables the acquisition of in-depth information, was preferred to determine the values attributed by the users. 17 interviews were made with the faculty members of different academic units of the University and the graduates of Atatürk Kız Lisesi, who were previous users of the Campus and had witnessed the different periods of the institution and the Campus in the historical process. An analysis was carried out to to understand the memory-value-place relations and to identify the heritage values of the campus in addition to its multi-layeredness, by evaluating the information obtained from the literature research, field study and semi-structured interviews conducted within the scope of the study. Identified heritage values are; memory value, symbolic value, identity value, historical value, document value, authenticity, integrity, aesthetic and artistic value, technical and technological value, rarity-uniqueness value, group value, use value and economic value. As a result of attributing these values through personal relationships, interviews showed that the users consider themselves responsible for the protection of the campus and the continuity of its values. This responsibility that they feel has an important potential to be a driving force for actions to be taken for the protection of the campus with its tangible and intangible values. It is highly probable that studies to be carried out on similar heritage sites with large user groups, will reveal similar potentials for the protection of these sites. These potentials and the possible conservation actions they will transform into must be addressed in a site-specific manner for each heritage site. The study has shown that there is a need to document and transfer the productions of the institution and the campus in various areas from different periods, in order to preserve and keep the campus alive with all its tangible and intangible values. The establishment of participatory methods in which users who know the institution and the campus closely and feel a sense of belonging can contribute to the conservation actions will also support the preservation and continuity of the tangible and intangible values of the campus. Like long-time users, new users will attribute their own values through the relationships they develop over time. In order to convey the characteristics of the campus correctly and present it as a heritage site; It will be beneficial to develop sustainable methods that can convey the value created together with its tangible and intangible elements in a clear way, are compatible with the unique characteristics of MSGSU and the Fındıklı Campus, do not damage the original characters of the places, and encourage users to take a role in presentation and protection.
Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi (MSGSÜ), 96 yıldır Fındıklı Merkez Yerleşkesi’ni kullanmaktadır. Neredeyse bir asırdır birlikte gelişmekte olan kurum ve yerleşke günümüzde özdeş hale gelmişlerdir. Yerleşkenin tarihsel süreç içinde biçimlenen farklı fiziki katmanları, birbirleri, kent ve yerleşkeyi kullanmakta olan kurum ile kullanıcıları arasında kurulan anlamsal ilişkileri de barındırmaktadır. Bu ilişki ve özdeşleşmişlik hali, Fındıklı Merkez Yerleşkesi için yerin ruhunun (genius loci) ve özgün ve ayırt edici özelliklerinin kaynağını oluşturmaktadır. Bu ayırt edici özellikler, kültür mirasının korunması disiplini içerisinde koruma değerleri olarak isimlendirilir. Mimarlık ürünleri söz konusu olduğunda koruma değerleri, ürünün fiziki var oluşundan kaynaklandığı kadar, onun üreticisi olan ve onunla ilişki içerisinde olan kullanıcılar tarafından atfedilen anlam ve değerlerden de kaynaklanır. Bu çalışma; kullanıcılar tarafından mekâna atfedilen anlamsal değerlerin çok katmanlı kültür mirasının tanımlanması ve korunmasında önemli bir potansiyel taşıdıkları hipotezinden yola çıkarak, kültür mirasının korunması alanında tanımlanmış olan koruma değerlerinin bireysel ve kolektif bellekteki karşılıklarını MSGSÜ Fındıklı Yerleşkesi örneği üzerinden yer bağlamında araştırmak amacını taşımaktadır. Çalışmanın amacı doğrultusunda, kullanıcılar tarafından atfedilen değerlerin tespiti için, kurumun ve yerleşkenin tarihsel süreçlerine tanıklık etmiş olan, üniversitenin farklı akademik birimlerinin öğretim üyeleri ve yerleşkenin önceki kullanıcılarından olan Atatürk Kız Lisesi mezunları ile toplam 17 görüşme gerçekleştirilmiştir. Görüşmeler, bellek-değer-mekan ilişkilerinin çözümlenmesi ve yerleşkeye atfedilen somut ve somut olmayan değerlerin tespitine yönelik olarak analiz edilmiş, mekânsal veriler değerlendirmeyi kolaylaştırmak adına görselleştirilmiştir.