Electrical and thermodynamical characterization of thermotropic liquid crystal

Sesigur F., Sakar D., Yasa-Sahin O., Kuruoglu F., Çakar F., Mogulkoc M., ...More

OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS, vol.5, pp.572-576, 2011 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


The thermodynamic interactions, sorption properties and electrical conductivity measurements of thermotropic liquid crystalline compound, (S)-5-dodecyloxy-2-[[[4-(2-methylbutoxy) phenyl]imino]methyl]phenol (DMPIMP) are experimentally investigated in this work. The retention diagrams of trace amount of solvents such as benzene, propylbenzene, chlorobenzene were passed through the gas chromatography column loaded with DMP IMP coated on Chromosorb W. The retention diagrams of the solvents on DMPIMP were plotted by means of specific retention volumes, V-g(0) at the temperatures in K between 363 and 383 by inverse gas chromatography. Flory-Huggins liquid crystal-solvent interaction parameter, chi(infinity)(12), equation of state liquid crystal-solvent interaction parameter, chi(12)*, the weight fraction activity coefficient, Omega(infinity)(1) and effective exchange energy parameter, X-eff and molar enthalpies related to the DMPIMP-solvent systems were obtained. The DMPIMP films were also characterized by means of its electrical properties depending on doping effect for the films having two different dopant concentrations such as 25 and 50 percent of tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoroborate.